
Halloween 2008

Brody and his friend Ian were not, I repeat NOT getting along at the trunk or treat!
Our family at our Ward Trunk or Treat, Wanship Park Oct. 31st, 2008. They served chili dogs and donuts to go with our candy!
My favorite costume there!
I'm all ready to save some damsels in distress, Mom!
Avery went as herself, Gracie as a Vampire with no teeth or make up (she wouldn't let me put them on, what is the point I ask you?) And Brody was Iceman, Batman, and sometimes Spiderman. We just used old costumes this year and it worked out great. We saved money and the kids still had fun, it was a win win.
Gracie in her classroom before her Halloween Parade, my Mom came up and watched Bubba and Avis while I walked with Grace. Hallelujah! It was fun.
Such an angelic smile on a devil!
Literally the only picture without her eyes closed!


stephschmidt said...

Cute cute pictures! I see that Rob had added to his collection :) Sounds like you guys had a great day/night... for the most part. Such a sad picture of Brody and his friend! Aren't holidays the best?

Nicalee said...

your kids are adorable! tell Brody's friend to be nice to my boy! lahvoo

Sarah said...

Wow! Your family looks so cute:) Your kids have grown so much since I last saw them! They are beautiful (yes, even your son!). I would LOVE to come visit you at your home. Just let me know when would work for you and we'll be there!

Pearson Family said...

look how cute they are.i so had to wait to go to your blog until the deer wasn't the recent post.

Laura said...

I love Halloween. Kids look so darn cute in their little get ups.

Anonymous said...

It is a scientific impossibility for them to be any cuter.