
Cat and Mouse!

Let me preface this with my feelings about cats. I hate cats. It is a fact of life, in this place I live, that if you don't have a cat...you will have mice. You could rely on the 50,000 feral cats that populate the area, but my distaste for mice is stronger than my hatred of cats. And, in truth, she was free at the dairy and I decided to throw caution to the wind and bring home a cute little kitten. (all the while hoping, foolishly, that she would not turn into a cat.) We have been unusually blessed in the choice of this cat because, she thinks she is a dog. I love dogs! She is an outside cat, but when she is inside, she comes when you call and follows you around (not always my favorite). She doesn't scratch my kids when they man handle her, which is hourly at times. She likes eating, sleeping, and relieving herself outdoors...heaven for me and my husband, the jermafobe. Cats are people, too!


Chris said...

That is hilarious! I actually can't stand cats either! I really didn't like little dogs either but Stace won out and now we have 2 that I love pretty much more than most humans! Tell Rob I'd be happy to join his "Manly Twilight Lovers Annonomous Club!" I'm going to start reading the Host but first I promised my wife I'd finish reading the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy :)

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

Would Avery like to mop my floor with your cat. Okay, I don't love cats and I'm allergic so that might be bad.

stephschmidt said...

You have got one patient cat! Since we can't seem to get each other on the phone, I'm telling you here: I'm coming up Thursday morning. If it doesn't work, call me. Otherwise, see you then!

amanda said...

I don't like cats either but I would be tempted to get one if I had mice eeeeew!! I think kittens are cute so just turn them in when they turn into cats and get a new kitty:)

Laura said...

I used to hate cats but Zeth LOVES them so he has sort of changed my mind. Yet I am allergic so we can't have one. We have a field behind our house so we have lots of adopted cats that cruise in our back yard, so Zeth is happy.

I love that video, what a patient cat! Avery is such a doll! :)

the holmans said...

I hate cats too. But I hate Mice way more.. GOOD solution. Love your blog were do you get your backrounds? My email tinaholman.dancer@yahoo.com

jillalicia said...

That's why we had cats! Living in Houston, you have cats to get rid of the tree cochroaches! Sometimes they are a necessity!