
What do we do???

This is kind of a random post, but Robert came home from work and told me he had to play me a song...we don't get stations here, so I hadn't heard it and he had to get on Itunes to play it to me. It was called "I kissed a girl and I liked it." or something to that effect, and it was sung by a GIRL!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I feel total panic overtaking me, just writing about this! Then, on the 4th we were telling my family how crazy it was and my niece and my brother could sing it word for word...apparently it is the number one song, according to Rob's apprentice who is 18 years old. What do we do? I feel utter amazement. I know that the world is evil and this is the last days, but little LDS teenagers are hearing this junk every day, everywhere! How do I help the girls, in our ward, understand how damaging this is to their spirit? How do you convey that, when Satan is reinforcing every moment that it is no big deal and just a song? I have camp in three weeks and would love some ideas?? I feel such a responsibility to help these girls build a level of confidence where the "latest" things do not even appeal to them, but I didn't have that. How do I give it to them? I guess this just effects me so much, because it is so obviously evil and right in our homes, cars or ears! I am so thankful to not be a teenager now, today! What a time to live...so much evil and so much opportunity for good. Anyway, let me know if you have any good quotes, personal experiences I could use, or talks that apply to being above what is out there for these youth. Scary! Feel free to email me or post....kmwatterson@gmail.com.


stephschmidt said...

Ew, that makes me feel sick to my stomach, even reading the title of that song! I'm totally with ya on being so glad I'm not a teenager today. No doubt I wouldn't be strong enough with everything out there.... (You know it's true! :) ) It's interesting to read about you wanting to teach the girls about standing on their own feet and not being pulled into the "glamorous" world, because I've been feeling the same way about my Achievement Day girls. I've been feeling so strongly that they need to know who they are and what their purpose is, and when that is really embedded into their spirit, they'll be able to withstand what comes their way. Anyway, I'm no help to you. If I come across a good article or something, I'll email it over to ya. I just wanted to say that I know exactly how you're feeling!

Laura said...

I was in utter shock when I heard this song on the radio. I too was so scared for the teenagers, then I remembered it is only going to get worse when Gwen is that age! I am glad the girls in your ward have you to help them see the truth, they are lucky.

Nicalee said...

I was in shock when I heard this on the radio too. I am so grateful my kids are young enough right now..I can edit the radio listening and this song may pass without them finding out about it. What will be on the radio in a 5 years when my kids are all teenagers? I am very scared. Kris, you have to teach the girls that as the world becomes more wicked, we have to show how different we are from them, and become closer to the gospel, make ourselves more pure. Good luck sis!