
FHE and One Codependent Cat

We had such a fun time "fishing" for crawdads at Strawberry Res.! I was just so happy that Robert planned a Family Home Evening, I wouldn't have cared if we were picking up garbage on the freeway! I have to say they (the crawdads) are the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. You put raw meat in a nylon on the end of a spin casting rod and wait. Not rocket science, that is for sure! I 'm not sure how anyone could eat one, but Rob boiled them and then did just that. That dude is nuts. I would post a picture of them, but my prego sister would puke, and I just can not handle that much guilt.
The cat is a new addition to our household, they are an essential thing here for moles and mice. She was free from the lady at the dairy, thank you dairy people, and her name is Carmel. She is closest thing to a dog, in a cat. Which is great, because I detest cats. She will be an outside cat, as soon as she is big enough, but she might be too codependent for that. I have never seen a cat that will follow you around and meow when no one is in the room, until someone comes to her. Crazy animal. Well, that is the latest on us this week...


stephschmidt said...

What a fun FHE! And I'm totally impressed that Rob planned it! I wish we could have come :( We will sometime soon! Good luck with your outside codependent cat :)

Laura said...

Hey there Kristine! Its me Laura Turner. I totally found you from Kalee's blog. If you wanna come visit my blog e-mail me. lolahurstturner@gmail.com. Fun FHE by the way. One day we need to start doing those.

Anonymous said...

Oh, fun and cute FHE! Also, fun and cute kids. Your kids make me so happy. But crawdads don't make me happy. So thank you for not posting them. Love your preggo sis.