
Typical, Hilarious, Avery!

Avery is obsessed, lately, with these rice krispy treats. She can't get enough of them...soooo, I put them on the highest shelf in our pantry, that can only be reached by myself standing on a step ladder. This is the scene yesterday...
Avery: "Mom, will you get me a rice krispy treat?" (for the third time in 6 hours.)
Me: "Yes, I will, but this is your last one today...okay?"
Avery: dejected, yet joyful "okay, will you get it now?"
I have put the step ladder in my closet and am too lazy to fetch it...I climb, precariously, on top of a file box to reach the needed treats. I end up kind of, tipping the treat out onto the floor and Avery exclaiming while she picks it up, says...
"Mom, It's a rice krispy miracle!"
I love that little girl, she is so funny!


Steph said...

Oh, that sweet Avery! I can just picture her saying that, or rather exclaiming that! She is too funny! Can't really blame her though; I love those treats myself :)

Laura said...

What a silly little girl. I think it was the last time we saw her when she came up to Zeth, turned around and said, "See my buuum???" We still laugh about it.

Nicalee said...

What people don't understand is that this is a daily experience with that girl! She says darling things every single day! I love your kids!! I want them to call me mom!! HAH hah...just kidding!

jillalicia said...

What beautiful children you have! I can totally see you saying that when you were younger. I bet your kids really are funny!

Anonymous said...

I could not love her more. She is such a joy.

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

That is funny!