
FlashBack FriDay!!!

Rob is not here right now (he is away on a YM campout), so I have decided I love him!
I remember how strange our relationship was in high school, never wanting to be the one to say I care about us...always staying a little distant, but knowing that we were always completely enamored with each other....

Then, over time, we both saw that we really didn't want to lose one another and it just might matter...right before he left on a mission to Mexico, we had some pictures done. I remember both of us just cringing when she asked us to pose this way, looking at each other, because we thought it was soo shmarmy! Now this is one of my favorite pictures of us, young and clueless...but, in love.

After he was gone I realized how much I had come to depend on his friendship and affection, and I felt like there was a hole inside of me that could not be filled. I dated, but I always missed him. I never stopped thinking about him, or comparing every male I encountered to him and they always came out of it sadly lacking. Even hearing him say my name on Christmas (thank you Watterson's for generously allowing me to talk to him for a little while) made me feel more loved than I can even explain. He does something for me that no one does, I don't even know what it is...but, I definitely need him on a very basic level. Finally, he came home, not really liking me...but, I convinced him that he couldn't live without me!

That had to be the best day ever!!! I'm sure everyone's wedding day is the best, but mine was better! Now, 9 years and some change, later I feel like I got so much more than he got! He is the best, salt of the Earth, Christlike, man. He knew me in High School and he Still loves me. He has seen me pregnant, in pain, irritable, irrational, insane, anxiety ridden and too many others to list...and, he Still loves me. He smells so good that I just want to breathe his whole body in!! He is the most nurturing Father, so affectionate and involved. He is so emotionally present, always there for me and our family. He never hesitates when I ask him for a priesthood blessing. Now we are a little heavier, with a little less hair and elasticity to our skin...but, the great characteristics are even better and good memories remain.

Rob, I could never hope to be able to sufficiently express what you mean to me or how much I value you, but I will continue to try. You are my love. I love you body and spirit. I couldn't find happiness without your companionship and your babies to inspire it! Thank You.


Laura said...

Wow that was so cute! You guys make a great couple! I am glad you are still ridiculously in love. :)

stephschmidt said...

Oh, so sweet, I love it! But you know me, I love the mushy stuff :) What a gorgeous bride you were! And what a gorgeous mom you are today! I'm so glad you talked Rob into marrying you because otherwise how would we have met? I'm sure we would have somewhere... somehow... but that sure made things easier :) I love your background; I nearly chose that one myself yesterday :) I missed you today - hope you had fun swimming!

amanda said...

Rob, I never knew you had all that in you:) Hey, I knew you in High School and I STILL love you!!

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

So cute! If Doug weren't in the room to make fun of me, I might even cry.

Nicalee said...

That blog was better than watching a chick flick. I am so happy my sister, who I care for so much, has the love of her life. You are so blessed Kris! Thanks for sharing such a sweet entry!

jillalicia said...

How beautiful you guys are! I am so happy for your sweet little family, and I'm glad we got back in touch!

JR said...

Thanks for finding something to love in my cousin's ugly mug. Someone in this world had to take one for the team and marry him. Keep up the good work. By the way, my monthly payment I give you to stay married to him is going to be late this month.

Anonymous said...

I love looking at those old pictures, you guys are so young! And now look at the sweet family you are. Great post, Kris!