
Carpet Cleaners and Line Drives...

This has been an interesting 24 hours ... Last night Rob and I played in our coed softball league. We happened to play a team that could really hit, so we had four people in the outfield. I was in right field and one of the guys hit a line drive a little to my left, I ran and ended up catching it with my face! My teeth went through my lip and I ended up with a loose tooth. So, right now I have some extremely full lips and a really sore jaw. Then last night Avery came down to my bed and told me she had thrown up, I shrugged it off put her in my bed and thought I'll clean it up in the morning. Then about two hours later, Gracie came and got in our bed too. Rob then exited the bed, to go to work and we went back to sleep. At about 7:30 Brody came down with poop running down his legs and said, so wisely, Mom I pooped! I rinsed him off, put him in a bath and went upstairs to survey the damage. I found, at the top of the stairs, a pile of diarrhea with pee four inches in front of it and his jammies and undies uncerimoniously discarded to the side. Then in Avery's room there was throw up all over her sheets, pillow, and duvet cover. On to Gracie's room and I found diarrhea in her sheets. Did I cry? No, my face hurts too bad for that, but I did laugh and go directly to my handy Bissell Little Green Carpet cleaner that has been used more than anything else in my entire house. (This is the 3rd time Brody has graced our carpet with his poo, and Gracie threw up all over Brody's carpet on Saturday night - I know, best week ever) I am putting a picture of this essential appliance on here as a solemn warning, if you don't own one and you are a parent...you are gonna be sorry! It has all been really funny, actually...at least I have an excuse to stay in my jammies. That's all that matters.


Steph said...

Aren't sick kids the worst? I hate that more than anything! I've been wanting to get some kind of carpet cleaner; it sounds like your little green thing (whatever it was called) is the way to go

Kristine Watterson said...

I'm telling you, it is essential for the survival of mothers! Steph, run, don't walk and buy one now! LOL

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

I am exhausted just reading that.

Pearson Family said...

rob, whats up? holly told me that kristine found her blog and i just wanted to say hi. see you on the 4th. chris pearson

Stewart Family said...

Kris, now you look even more like Angelina Jolie with that lip of yours. Love you, miss you

Tyler Stillman said...

i think the universe is trying to tell you to get a lip ring. and maybe a gold tooth. look into it.