
If wishes were fishes...

 I wish we were skiing today, instead we are trying to implement a new job system and Rob is at work.  It is much less fun than skiing.  My kids all react so differently to responsibility.  There is one who immediately gets his jobs done, but forgets to look at his list in a thorough way and has to be reminded that he is not done after all.  There is one who is sick and conveniently gets out of most of it.  There is one that is too young to do much, and there is one that is so very responsible everywhere but our home!  She puts off the jobs until the very last second possible.  How can four children born of two people be so profoundly different?  The variation of humans in our home is staggering and a little discouraging for this tired, too tired to ride them enough, Mom.  I think when Heavenly Father commanded us to pray always he was talking to me, so I could survive motherhood. No joke.
On a positive note, I get to have a personality like this one in my home and heart.  Priceless, I tell you, priceless.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I say forget the jobs and go skiing! You deserve it! You birthed FOUR HUMAN BEINGS! Isn't that enough??