
She's Official!!

 It was such a hectic but wonderful day on Saturday...
 Miss Avery May was baptized...
 And, three week old Benjamin was blessed!
 Rob's parents...
 And mine, with my biker Grandma (it's the vest)
 Four Generations of Ladies...
 The two kids in their whites, so beautiful
 We are so thankful for the new little man in our home
 The more time that passes, the more Rob and I settle in and embrace this life and family.  It is so worth it.  (unless I am going on no sleep...then my gratitude may fail me, but that is what sisters are for, they remind me...thank you my Bitties!!)
I never know what to write when we have these wonderful and sacred, spiritual days.  It was really marvelous and it felt like a little bit of heaven to enjoy.  Rob said that when he was confirming Avery and giving Ben his name and blessing, that he felt like Heavenly Father let him feel just how much they are loved by him.  I wish that we could feel that love 24/7.  I wish that our children could feel that love constantly.  There really would not be any greater joy, in this life, than to see them love the gospel of Jesus Christ and see how Heavenly Father's plan of salvation is what it is all about.  That would be awesome.


Anonymous said...

Feakin awesome family! Sorry we couldn't make it - Avery's dress alone would have been worth the trip.
PS - I'm still a blog-stalker!

The Running Kidd said...

Beautiful pics Christine! Congrats to Avery on her baptism! And Benjamin is SUCH a doll!! We miss you guys very much and hope we can see you all soon!! Oh and Grandma looks AWESOME in her leather vest ;)

The Running Kidd said...

* Kristine...i have such a mommy brain these days!

Tyler Stillman said...

Avery looks like an absolute dream, and Benjamin is so much bigger. So adorable! I'm glad it was such a great day. Wish I could have been there.

Tyler Stillman said...

This is Debra, by the way.

stephschmidt said...

What a perfect day!! I am dying over Avery's dress - I want one just like it :) I'm so glad it was so wonderful! miss you!

The Bundy Family said...

Beautiful family and what a wonderful experience to share together. Special! And of course the tears are falling, because I always run off NO sleep no matter how old my kids are. So the emotions are high and the floods come a flowing, not to mention HORMONES. Anyways, LOVED IT! Thank you for sharing.

Kellie said...

I can't get over how cute you look in every picture!!! Love Avery's dress. She looks like a little bride.