
Ta Dah!

 We now have Mr. Benjamin Kelly Watterson in our home!
 And Mr. Robert Brody Watterson is so glad, because...as he frequently states, He is just sooo sick of girls! 


The Bundy Family said...

Congratulations! You did it and he is darling. I am so glad that Brody has a brother to wrestle around with. And like usual you are beautiful. Enjoy your little slice of heaven. I love the smell of a newborn baby. Congratulations Kristine!

Steph said...

It's about time!! I've been waiting and waiting for this post! Seriously, what have you been doing?? So very very happy for you - he is beautiful!

The Running Kidd said...

soooo beautiful! I am so thrilled for your family I CAN'T wait to meet the little guy!

Jill C said...

He is adorable. I am so happy for your family. Isn't it such an incredible feeling in the home to have a baby. I'm sure your kiddos are lovin' on him.

Julia said...

Yay! Congrats on an adorable, precious little guy! My son is convinced this is a mean, unfair world because I wasn't able to produce a brother for him! Good for Brody!

Sarah said...

Yay! Congratulations! He's so handsome :) I can't wait to see more pictures!

Charity said...

Lucky, Lucky Brody! We're glad everything turned out well...I love the name Benjamin! Good work Kristine!

n8cw said...

So sweet!! Can't wait to get over there and hold him. How are you feeling? Do you need anything? I am here give me a holler if you need any help!!

n8cw said...

This is melissa. Used hubby's sign in.

the holmans said...

Congrats! you are beautiful he is also beautiful! I am so happy for you how is it are you loving it? WOW you Lowe girls are fertile! I wish my old friend Nicalee would still Blog, so now It is official we are best friends she is out you are in! love and kisses

Kellie said...

OH MY GOSH! You are so amazing gorgeous! Seriously you are having a baby this day and you look that cute?!?! You could always be pregnant... lol. Cute baby, cute name... congrats. I'm so glad to hear you're doing ok. Thanks for the b-day message, you are amazing to remember! Love ya.