
Such a Magical Night!!

 For Gracie's Birthday (double digits!) We opened presents at home with Dad and then...
Went out for a ladies night!  Gracie requested Red Lobster (her favorite) for dinner and then off to Hale Theater for,
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!
She is such an amazing girl and so fun to have as a daughter.  She really was not enthused about this activity idea of mine, but like the girl she is went without any complaint at all.  She ended up loving it!!  She is the best daughter ever.  I hope she had a happy birthday.
 This is all 8 of us taking up a whole row!
 All the little ladies were...Gracie, her friend from school Sisalee, cousin Heidi, Avery, and Madison (Rob's little sister).
 The less young ladies were my AWESOME Mom, Connie (Rob's Mom), and one very pregnant me!  (Just a few days to go!)
 The girls LOVED the "King" and absolutely had to have a picture with him!
 Avery loved the brother that was a little rasta...
And the girls had to have a picture with this totally incredible (seriously the best ever...he is there M-W-F)
Joseph.  He had the best set of pipes that I have ever heard at Hale!!
And he made his pecs dance a lot, he he.
I am not being dramatic when I say this night was magical...I can't stop raving about it to my poor, patient sisters!  We all agreed that we are the luckiest daughters to have been raised by a Mother that somehow showed us how much Joy can be found in things like this.  I am honestly brimming with gratitude for that woman today.  I told her, this morning, that she could do anything today (like cut off my arm) and I would just laugh and say "Oh Mom, I just love you". 
She is a wonderful woman and I just want to do half of the things for my children that she has done for us. 


Steph said...

I love how much you love your mom, and now how blessed your daughters are to have you pass these loves on to them! What a wonderful night! Todd and I went and saw that a couple weeks ago - amazing!! Todd said he'd even go back with me sometime... and you of all people know that's saying a lot! :)

Emily W said...

Looks like you had so much fun. I can't believe Gracie is 10. Isn't it nice to have a family that blended with such differences that your children can enjoy the arts and the outdoors?

Anonymous said...

Your family is so stinking beautiful. I love those kids, how wonderful to go to a theater production together! So glad you had such an amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

Time. I meant to say time. What is the matter with me?

Kellie said...

Looks like so much fun. You totally are loving your mom. I think I can tell you are getting ready to become a mom again... BTW you do have a good voice. :)