
Back Already?

 Did anyone else feel like they blinked and summer vacation was over?  Wow! 
The kids were all so excited/nervous to go back and I had enough anxiety for all of them.  I was so thankful for Rob's use of the priesthood, in his father's blessings, the night before.  It was probably the most comforting to me.  I told him that nothing makes me love him more than watching him do things like that, and it's so true.  I love all the good men in my life!
 I was thankful just to get them all ready in time to take pictures of their cuteness!
 Proof that Dad stuck around to kiss them goodbye and then talked with the neighbor and missed it!  Oh well, the effort was there.
 They are off for another year of learning, growing, making friends, getting their feelings hurt, homework, stress, and coming home to a Mom that is really happy when the days are great fun and ready with chocolate when they are not.  (Mostly for me)


Steph said...

I know!! I felt the same way about the summer - where in the world did it go?? I'm so glad we got to hang out together so much!

NandM said...

Hurrah for school!! I was so excited to see my kids go. I know, I am a bad mom, but I need the structured schedule that school brings!! Excited for pictures of the fam + 1.