
August Haps...

 The first week of August is always the Summit County Fair, which is big news around these parts.  The only thing my kids could drag me to was the parade...I wasn't very excited about it all, this year.  Next year we'll enter chickens again and all that stuff, but this year we just collected a lot of candy at the parade on main street in Coalville!  We had some cute cousins to sit by...that is Marc's backside, he is Rob's youngest brother and yes, butt-less-ness does run in the family.
Brody also lost his very first tooth!  Thank you Dad for being the go to man on teeth removal, stiches, and other things that gross me out!
 For a fun last hurrah, before school, we went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point...complements of my Mom and Dad!  Thank goodness for parents :)
 Nicalee also brought her cute, little, redheaded toddler and she and Mom chatted it up...
 Nicalee (and Deb) are pregnant too, and due within a week of eachother...which is about four months after me, obviously!  I'm so glad that I will have a baby soon...I do not envy what they have ahead, but am excited for all the cousins!
 I am so thankful for my parents generosity!  Life would be a lot less fun without all the great things they take us to do!  They are so nice to us!
 We just watched "Soul Surfer" at Mom's the other night, so the kids thought they were pretty funny pretending to be amputees in front of this giant shark.  Tasteless?  Maybe.
 This dino bone digging is the part that the kids were most excited about.  I have a picture of Gracie and Avery digging in this exact same spot while I kneel behind them, very heavy with child (Brody).  That was the last time we were here!  Time really does move too fast for me.


Steph said...

What fun things you did! Seriously, aren't parents/grandparents the greatest???

The Bundy Family said...

Oh my heck! How cute are you and that darling little belly! TOO cute. I mean that too. You are so pretty Kristine and even more pregnant! Only couple more weeks and then you get to touch, hold and smell a little piece of heaven. Can't wait to see baby boy Watterson. Good Luck!

Kellie said...

I love love love your belly pics. So you are gorgeous! and that is the funnest thing ever to have TWO sisters prego with you! So much fun! So when's the induction? sometime this week? Good luck, we'll be praying for you and safe arrival of your dear little one! You can do it! Hang in there!!!