
My Mom makes fun of Me, Every chance She gets.

I hurt, I hurt, I hurt.
I do not believe my skin was meant to stretch this far.
Someone get this boy out of me.
Have a nice day.
P.S. I am scheduled to get induced the second week of SEPTEMBER.  Can you hear my crying?


NandM said...

At least you can still SEE your toes. The next time will be so much better!! Did you realize that you are going to have to change the name of your blog to the Watterson tribe or something denoting a large group of people. (Hey I said large group NOT large you!) HAHAHA

Laura said...

Congrats! Kalee told me u were preg the other day, I haven't checked your blog in ages so I thought I'd come over and say hi! So excited for u guys. Can't wait to see pictures os the little man. :) see ya!

The Bundy Family said...

Oh I think that belly is so dang cute. BUT, I so know how you feel! He will be sweet and smell like heaven. Congratulations!

Steph said...

Look at your belly!! I love it! I'm so sorry you're hurting :( can't wait to see you this week...

the holmans said...

Great to see you at Nicalees house we, me and brett LOVE you guys! I swer brett is only sociable with one person, Rob. He should feel honored! you look amazing really. NO one should look that beautiful preggers, and your sister are gorgeous too. I was just short and fat, pregnant.

Kapri said...

I can hear you crying, but it looks so cute. I am convinced that pregnancy is where the term love/hate relationship came from. The most amazing and horrible thing EVER!

Charity said...

It always looks bigger looking down. Don't be discouraged, you're almost done!
Wishing you lots of Love and luck.