
Gracie, Gracie, Gracie...

 I just went on Gracie's field trip with her, to This is The Place state park.  It was so fun to spend some time with her.  I enjoy her, one on one, so much.  I can't believe how quickly she is growing. She got to do this pioneer dance with one of her favorite boys :)
 We decided to imitate this statue, but I don't think we look much like Brigham Young and Joseph Smith...
 The girls also had their piano recital, it was awesome!  I am so proud of the progress they are making.
 Gracie also participated in a track and field day for school and discovered a hidden talent for the javelin!  The high school boys told her that if she didn't try out for track in high school they would hunt her down, she was pretty giggly about it...it was cute.


Anonymous said...

Gracie and Avery are such babes. I guess you are, too, Kris. I guess.

Emily W said...

Cute prego belly. I am glad you are finally updating us on your family life. I love This is the Place.

NandM said...

Wow, what a fun filled week for you!! Wish Zack would come home and tell me when a few things are so I could go participate. (OK just take some pictures)

Jamie said...

Hey Kris!
My mom just shared the very exciting news with me about baby #4 - Congratulations! That's way exciting. Hope we can bump into you again in Logan sometime. :)
Take Care,

Kellie said...

You are SO CUTE prego! Love that little immitation pose! So fun to spend time with your kids on these field trips, I bet your kids felt like a star with you along! LOVE that your kids laughed when Amy cried. With a new baby coming, Start preparing them now!!! LOL

stephschmidt said...

I love Gracie - I so enjoyed getting to know her at the beach when we went... forever ago. How did you get so lucky with your kids? Or maybe they got so lucky with their mom... Love your cute belly!!