
Fun for us all

 Brody and I went on his Kindergarten field trip to the zoo, I don't know how bus drivers do it!
And we watched Amy for Nicalee while she and Dustin FINALLY took a 5 year late honeymoon!  The kids had so, so much fun with her.  I snapped this picture because it was so picturesque, Gracie reading to her...I should also mention that my little devils laughed whenever Amy cried.  Perfection on blogs is wrong and I choose to fight it with reality!


Dustin Randall said...

Just wait until your kids are harassing that new baby of yours in 2 years...you are going to LOVE that! My kids still laugh when Amy throws a fit!! Brats! hah hah...love you!

Anonymous said...

So, so cute.

n8cw said...

This is Melissa under Nate's id. How are you baby momma? I am missing you too. We need to go to breakfast again. I am fighting perfection on blogs too. My own personal battle to prove that everyone is as disfuntional, crazy, and overwhelmed as I am!! Take care of that belly!!

stephschmidt said...

I love kindergarten field trips! You're such a good mommy to go along! And you even look so happy :)