
Never Again!

 I will never, ever throw a party like this again, and I am very glad that it is over.  So enjoy the pictures from the one time in my life as a mother that I put some massive energy into a birthday party :)
 This "cake" is supposed to be two light sabers...we had three trials (relays) for them to become true jedi's...
 These are the 500 boys that took every opportunity to fight with their light sabers possible, there was more than a little crying going on!
 That is me, without my hair done and having had an earring fall out :), Oh and the adorable and 6! year old birthday boy.  He was pretty stoked.
 I made the boys and token girl, (she's a twin kind of a package deal) these "Jedi" robes and the oversized light sabers out of pool noodles...thank you internet for being more creative than I could ever hope to be.
I realized that although I should love all of God's children, a LOT of the 6 year old ones are violent little whiner babies.  I will still try to love them.  Maybe.
I'm so glad that Brody had fun and that for a millisecond I was a really cool mom.  I think I'll go yell at my kids now, just to make sure things are back to normal.


Steph said...

That party is amazing! I can't believe you did all that (actually, knowing you, I can :))- you must love your kid more than I love mine

Steph said...

Oh, and happy birthday Brody!!

Emily W said...

I am impressed the planning of this party while pregers and not feeling well. I am sure the kids had a blast. Sorry we missed calling bubba on his birthday.

NandM said...

WOW. What is next year's theme?

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! Such a funny post! That party looks so awesome, Kris! Plus, you are freaking gorgeous.

Sarah said...

I can tell you put so much planning and preparation into this party. It looks amazing! Hopefully he appreciated all your hard work!

Kapri said...

Oh my gosh Kris this is amazing! What an awesome birthday party! What a cool Mom you are! Krew is only 4 months old but I can pretty much guarantee I will never do anything that cool for his birthday. Maybe I can trick my Mom into doing something for him! :) Great job!

Kellie said...

I can't believe you did all that!!! AND pregnant too. You are an amazing mother! If I couldn't have bought everything, I doubt I every would have made it all. Seriously all I can think is WOW! I had so much fun seeing you. Thanks for making it all happen!

Charity said...

Kristine, You say "Never Again" but now that you've set the expectation, they will never let you live it down. I figure, let them have there fun, because birthdays aren't always fun, especially when you get older! That party was awesome! I love the cake!!! BTW, I sure enjoyed seeing you last month!