
Guess What?

September baby #3 here we come!


Anonymous said...

Wow, there LITERALLY is a bun in your oven. You look fabulous, hee hee!. How exciting, another Watterson child! The best thing you can do for the world!

The Running Kidd said...

Yay!!! Congrats to you and Rob (and the kids too)! I am so excited for you guys! You and Rob make the CUTEST kids ;)

Sarah said...

How exciting! Congratulations sweetie! My salon is in south Jordan at the District. It's called Life Aveda salon and spa. I'm loving it! I hope this pregnancy goes by super quick for you! Keep us updated :)

Emily W said...

You make me laugh. That's awesome. Thanks for updating your blog for me.

The Bundy Family said...

What? Congratulations! I love in your last post how you said that "kids were way better than babies". Ha ha ha. And then whalaa. So exciting. I hope that you are feeling good. This baby will bring so much excitement to your family. Especially the curiosity from the other kids. I am so glad that my kids have had a chance to experience and probably remember "mom, when she had a baby in her belly". I think they love the belly more than I do. Congratulations! Glad you blogged, been missing the Watterson happenings.

Kapri said...

Holy crap congratulations!!!!! I'm so excited for another hot kid!I hope you're feeling good! and PS I'm so mad that Grandma is moving to Utah, right when I move back to CA! You're so lucky!

Kellie said...

WHAT?!? I'm so excited, and a little confused. Why does it say baby #3??? Don't you already have 3 kids. I kept checking to see if this is what you posted when you were prego with Brody, but it sounds like this is right now... How fun for you and your family! How are you feeling? Congrats! That's is awesome.
p.s. We're coming to Utah the last week of April... will you be around? Wanna get together?

NandM said...

Yipee. You updated. (I finally did too) So good to see you the other day. Take care of yourself and that little bambino!!

stephschmidt said...

I couldn't be happier for you!! I can't wait until you're huge and can wear your belly shirts with your gut hanging out. (You know I'm really just jealous because that's what I want to be doing!)

Nicalee said...

KRIS, You are having baby #4!! That is one lucky baby is all I have to say.

Nicalee said...

And I don't have 800 kids, I have 100. hah hah...just kidding!!! It just FEELS like 100.

jillalicia said...

Congratulations! You left facebook! Where did you go? I just had my 2nd baby in January! Cute family! call me when you come up to SLC sometime

the holmans said...

So happy for you, I am amazed by you and your sisters... you are so lucky to have such great sisters... the truth is I am so jelous, My sisters well SUCK!!! long story!!! anywho you are beautiful, enjoy the pregnancy, wish it were me...