
I'm Thankful for a day of Thankful-ness!

On Thanksgiving day we had the fun of going to both family celebrations.  We got to hang with most of our favorite people!  (Including the couple pictured above with their cute baby...it is Jacob and Emily, Rob's brother and her wife)
 When we were waiting for Rob, the kids and I raced from the tree to the car, because it was SOOO cold!
 They are such good kids!  I am loving this age, it is heaven!!
 Then Daddy skipped to the car with Avery...
And it was endearing, so I kissed him :)
 Then on to the Lowe's and some seriously goofy brother in law's and some delicious babies!!
 I took somewhere around 900,000 pictures of my sister, Debra's, kids because I was so excited to have them for Thanksgiving...since they just moved from Florida! 
 It was such a fun day, I wish at least one day a week could be a holiday that involves family get togethers!!
My family always goes around the table with everyone sharing what they were most thankful for in the year...it was a common answer for all that family is the thing we are most thankful for!  Rob and I were both thinking along the same wavelength when we said that we are thankful for this year, because of his out of town work and how it has made our love for our own family and appreciation of it grow.  It has been such a blessing in disguise, to show my excessive mormon-ness!!
Happy Thanksgiving...Bring on Christmas!!


NandM said...

Thanks for the update. Wish we could have talked more on Tuesday. How did evrything fo at the Dr.s? I've got my fingers, toes, arms, legs, hair etc. . . all crossed for you!!

Emily W said...

Thanks for letting us be the favorite family on either side of the family. We love having our picture taken and shown to the world. (P.S. I need to steal that picture because I didn't get one with my camera.)

stephschmidt said...

And I am thankful for my BFF Kristine Watterson, even if sometimes she does post gross pictures of kissing Rob - EW

Charity said...

You still make me laugh after all these years. Your kids are beautiful. Keep up the good work!