
Goodbye October! (I know it is almost December, but I've been busy!)

 Rob took this picture of his brother glassing (to use a very exclusive hunting term for looking through binoculars for animals), when they were hunting.  It makes me understand his love for his hunting time.  It is lovely, no?
 And Halloween came and went, with a trunk or treat at the fabulous Wanship park.  It was a serious downpour, so we all sat at tables under the pavilion...kind of a lame year!  The picture above is my nephew Bear (Rob's oldest brother's son that lives two doors down)  and I finding our own amusement in the cold, rainy, and slightly boring trunk or treating!
Goodbye October, until next year!


Anonymous said...

Holy gorgeous sunset! You're so funny!

Steph said...

Wow, that sunset picture is incredible. It almost... almost... makes me want to hunt. Nope, it really doesn't. But it is beautiful.