
Daddy takes care of us, as always

Rob feels so much pressure to take care of us in the small amount of time he has at home.  This picture is him, welding Brody's bike handle back on, at 11:00 P.M. on Sunday...when he had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to leave for Pocatello. 
I have gained so much respect for him in the last seven months.  This time has been such a trial and a blessing all at the same time.  I am so thankful for it.  We have really grown in love and desire for our family.  I am loving this family man that anticipates many of our needs and fills them without any asking. 
I don't think I say it enough...Men are so WONDERFUL!! 
I love how they take care of us and protect us and provide for us and love us, I can't get enough...probably because I get so little...of my man!!!!!


The Bundy Family said...

Oh my goodness. You could not have said it any better. That picture could have been taken from my camera. Don't you just love that you have a manly man? I don't think that there is a skill that Ammon can't do. I too feel the same way about highschool. We really probably had more in common than we both realized. Highschool is in it's own world, though. You have a great family. It would have been fun to hang out together.

Steph said...

I love this post! I love that you have Rob to take care of you and your family! And that you married Rob so that we can be buddies :) Sometimes I need a reminder on how wonderful men are; so thanks :)

NandM said...

What a guy!!! We need to get together sometime soon and have some fun. Hey, we could drive to Idaho for a double date. Love ya!!! Tea drinkin' and ALL!!!

Kapri said...

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man (mighty mighty good man). Wish I was still in Idaho I'd totally go to his construction site and say hi!!! ;0