
Watterson Family Reunion

We went to the fabulous Watterson Family Reunion this weekend.  We mostly just climbed, ate, and chatted up the relatives :)  We had a lot of fun.  I discovered that if I wear my ipod when I climb I enjoy it a LOT more.  (It really scares me, but don't tell Rob) It was actually a blast when I had a little Muse going in my ear :)  It was great, as far as family reunions go!
P.S. My current count of mosquito bites is 26...that is WITH bug spray on most of the time!


Welcome to the Watterson Spa, created by Captain Motion, Gracie Watterson!  As you can see there are three stations, one massage, two pedicure, and three manicure.  We are full service, tell your friends!!


Gracie made the kids a fort, she is a riot, never stops moving....EVER.

The Rest of the Story, I can't figure this out!

Someone did this to my car in the parking lot :(Avery looooved seeing some fossils, being the avid bone hunter that she is.  Dinosaurs are way more exciting than dead cows.And Gracie had a blast with her friend Savannah, who I love.  I hope my kids always choose good friends!
I signed Gracie up for a Basketball camp at BYU and she had such a blast, she loved loved the coaches and the whole experience


What have I done?

I forgot it was summer and didn't sunblock this little miss when she swam ALL DAY long at my Mom and Dad's, on Saturday. What was I thinking? The poor girl had huge blisters and these are the sores after the blisters drained...doesn't that look painful?

This cute little bum crack was brought to you by my cell phone camera and my inability to aim it properly!