
Snow, snow, snow

Conference was awesome, it was my favorite session EVER. We also really enjoyed to snow, inbetween sessions! This snowman was taller than Rob (who is 6'4")!!


NandM said...

Why aren't we friends? I think we'd have ever so much fun together. :) I love seeing what you've had to write and keeping up on what's up in your world. Even if you are crazy!! Hope that you enjoy the last of the snow. I am predicting warmer weather, fewer good books and even less fires. :)

Ahlquist Family said...

Love it! Sorry we didn't get to see it in person. It was fun chatting with you. I'll let you know when we are coming in July!

Steph said...

Ah, the suhweet snow. I love the snow. I'm so anxious for spring to come, but I still love it every time it snows. Happy days with Rob home! I was going to call you yesterday but didn't want to interrupt your special time with him (I know, I'm trying to make you gag... how's it workin?)

the holmans said...

I loved it too... we need to hear from the incredible men more often. I don't know if i am the only one who feels like this but i think all the talks were directed at me... the snowman rocks... love the pudding faces

Anonymous said...

Cute pics. You and Rob look awesome. And tall. Lahvoo.