
Rare Times

Rob just got a little 50, 4 stroke motorcycle for the kids to ride in the pasture and they have had a lot of fun. It is crazy to watch! Brody is five! (Rob totally guffawed me and told me that kids are racing those things at three:) (The guy at work who didn't want it anymore has had his son riding it for over four years and the kid is 8 or 9)
To me it seems pretty adventurous, but I guess I am getting old and boring!

This is Brody...Rob won't let him out of 1st gear and for that I am thankful, B has noooo limits and or fear. (or common sense for one's safety, I know it's a minor thing)

Avery, of course, has NO desire to try the motorcycle and has JUST started to ride the four wheeler she got for Christmas THREE years ago. P.S. She totally posed for this picture while she was driving. Classic.

Was there any ever doubt that Gracie would drive that thing in the top gear at full throttle? Nope! She is also personal safety challenged. We are taking bets for who will break a limb first, she or B.

These are good times. I love my kids, they are a lot of fun.


Steph said...

You have got some crazy kids! I don't think you're old or boring at all; I would be the same way! I think Rob's just crazy :) And I love the Avery pose :) Call me - I miss you!

Anonymous said...

How FUN! I love your kiddies. That photo of Avery is priceless.

NandM said...

Hey glad to see you are still out there in cyber world. Party my house in May. I'll get everyone the particulars as it gets closer.

the holmans said...

love it, our kids have been riding since they wer tiny too... meet us at the cabin this summer and we will take you on some fun rides... what lucky kids you have...

Amy said...

Hunter happened to be checking out your blog with me and became super excited about all the "free wheeler rides". He loves our rhino but when he saw the little boy four wheeler he said "mom, I need it". You gotta love the outdoors.