

Daddy's home and we're pretty happy.

The proof's in the puddin', he he he. I'm pretty sure I'm the only human alive that thinks I'm funny, but whatev.

It's still snowing, so these are going to have to stay for a little longer. I'm so ready to be done with school and snow!

The positive...that we can still have a fire and enjoy a good book and a little herbal tea :)

My parents just returned from Jerusalem and Egypt and brought Rob some sweet head gear. He's going to wear it, on the tenth of never.

The kids were excited for him to come home all day. I know I have a lot more of this to come, but we really enjoy the anticipation of Daddy.

Gracie's little BFF got into the "let's make ourselves funny with pudding" act, too. It was a good day. (Of course, while I was being fun relaxed mom, I was silently adding up all the pudding drops to be cleaned and gritting my teeth in annoyance...but, I hope I fooled em')


Nicalee said...

I love your life, I want to come be a fly on your wall and vicariously live through your herbal tea (except I like hot cocoa better) and good books and fire!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's your stupid comment. You're so controlling.

Julia said...

I think you're funny, Kristine...you're not the only one who thinks so!

Glad your hubby is home. :)

Steph said...

Oh my gosh, that is a gorgeous picture of you sitting on your comfy couch, reading by the blazing fire. Forget jumping on the tramp in the snow. Can I come sit next to you and roast marshmallows and read? Pretty please?