
We've been inside a lot today, because of the weather. Luckily, Gracie's friend Savannah is over to entertain Miss Goob and they just walk around whispering and giggling. I feel like little girls are aliens to me, even though I was once one myself!

Avery and Brody have been enjoying the new Lego Star Wars game, I'm not sure if I like it or not...it is a little violent? I don't know. The other game we have recently bought, with a very good tip from Nicalee, is Just Dance. It is just AWESOME...we love it. We have spent a lot of time laughing at eachother's awkward attempts at the moves, we are obviously white.

Can you believe this weather?


Anonymous said...

Geez. It's 70s here. Na na na na na!

Kristine Watterson said...

Our drivers go the speed limit, na na na na!

Steph said...

I love the jumping on the tramp in the snow; can I come play? Please?