
One of the many reasons we love Skype!

We love skype because...Brody can tell Daddy how Grandma and Grandpa Mopsi took him out to lunch and bought him some ninja turtle garb that he refused to remove, even in the car on the way to tumbling. He only removed it when Mommy told him to and with the concession of "they might think I'm a real ninja and get freaked out". We can also sing him Happy Birthday as a family and Daddy can see him blow out his candles and open his presents. Technology is wonderful!


Steph said...

Hooray for skype! Isn't technology wonderful?! Oh wait, you already said that :) I love the ninja getup! Hopefully he'll refuse to take it off for church :) Can I come to your ward?

Kristine Watterson said...

LOL, Steph, you are the best! You always brighten my mood!

The Running Kidd said...

hey, why is rob on Skype? Did he get a temp. job somewhere else? oh, and also...why is he always shirtless on the skype pics you post? Lol...its okay...Ryan walks around our house in his undies the minute he gets home from work until the next day when he leaves for work.

Kristine Watterson said...

He is always shirtless, because he is anti shirts! It is a testimony of his belief in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that he wears his garments the rest of the time (besides skype-ing) He is working in Pocatello for the next year and a half, running a hospital there. His company bid the job for some local guys, but when the economy took a nose dive they had to let those guys go. It was Rob's turn to be out of town, so here we are! We see him on the weekend, which is nice.