
Brody is 5!

Brody had a little birthday party on Saturday, in Kamas. It was a lot of fun for him :) It is crazy that he is so old. Time just flies by like nobody's business. The cake was a cookie dough icecream cake and I am still craving it, it was sooo yummy. Brody doesn't even like icecream, or many sweets, so he didn't even have a piece! He did eat a lot of pizza and would have eaten a lot of chocolate cadbury eggs...if I had brought some! We were happy to have Rob home to enjoy the day with us.
I tried three times to add pictures of the three kids and of Brody as a baby and this lame computer/blogspot thing won't let me, so these two pictures are all you get for now!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Happy Birthday Brody!! What a fun party! I can't believe he's that old either - time goes way too fast! What's wrong with him not liking many sweets?? Are you sure you're his mother? Miss you!!