
Welcome home from school! P.S. I killed the cat.

Today I had need to dig a hole, at least two feet deep, in the frozen ground.
I told the kids what had to be done and we all walked outside together.
Then Brody disappeared, I thought "what a stinker, he's going to play with cousins instead of helping me..."
That is when he walked up with a shovel obtained from the shed, he wanted his own. He wanted to help his mom. My heart was touched when he resolutely got his own shovel, and even more so when he jumped right in to dig.
You see, I killed our cat.
I didn't mean to, of course, I love that shedding little mouse catcher!
She really is more dog than cat, being so emotionally available and all. She would always jump into the car, if you didn't get out fast enough. She came when you called, that just doesn't happen with cats. Who likes cats? The Egyptians and no one else, can own that.
Well, I liked this cat. Our whole family liked her.
Why else would a sensible and unsympathetic man agree to spend $150 to have a cat x-rayed?
So, I spent $196 to have a dead cat.

Gracie took all of the pictures, feeling it was important to document and to show Daddy. Dad's need dead pet closure, too.

My little man of the house (while Daddy is in Pocatello) dug in.

Gracie and Avery posed themselves for these sad face pictures. There was a lot of little girl cryin' goin' on.

Soon, Brody got bored.
And started his own hole...mine was taking too long.
Avery lost interest, too. It takes a long time to get through frozen ground!
But, Mom kept on diggin...
Soon, we had a nice little spot for Carmel. Morbid, I know, but this is good closure for Daddy!

We rolled one of the big rocks on top of the spot and Gracie did the honors...
Little reminders are around and kids are periodically crying, but it has been a real growning experience for them.
RIP Carmel!


NandM said...

You are awesome!! That is the best cat funeral I have ever been to. Ok so it was only me second cat funeral, but what a good time was had. You and your kids are so great. RIP Carmel. Hope Rob appreciates all the documenting!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I've been depressed about it all morning.

Steph said...

RIP Carmel. That is so sad. But I noticed you left out just how you killed the cat. I know your little ones loved her - give them a hug for me

Kellie said...

Yeah, I'm curious too, how did you kill that cat? I'm so sorry. Sounded like a great family friend!

Kristine Watterson said...

I ran over her bum! It severed her spine right where the nerves (for the bladder and bowels) run...so, even if we had the money to do the surgery she would have been piddling pee cat forever! So sad, stupid cat should have moved!