
My Sister is A Lotta Fun!

Tonight was my nephew Josh's Birthday Party at the Classic Fun Center. It definitely was a lot of "Classic" fun...
Nicalee was going on three (that's right, I said 3) hours of sleep! She is seriously the most dedicated mother that has ever lived, having a birthday party for her son when she worked the night before. (Dedicated=Awesome/Crazy)
I was characteristically well rested and hyper. We were in the DJ room, there were glorious black lights, strobe lights and extremely loud music...oh, and a microphone. Nicalee and I made good, geeky use of that microphone!
The girls were hilarious skating, I wish I had video...up and down, up and down again!
Avery rides a scooter like the back is on fire, she is a wild girl!
They think they can DJ, but the REAL Slim Shady's stood up!

I love my sisters! Nobody has cooler sisters than I do. (On their good days, anyway:)


the holmans said...

I agree she is the coolest... I'm so lucky to have her as my neighbor and friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kris. For me, every day is a good day. Love, Sister That Constantly is Left Out.

Kapri said...

I am so jealous! Love all you girls!

Steph said...

Sistas are de best (most of the time... you know all too well my feelings on the subject). I wanna hear your karaoke!

Nicalee said...

that was so much fun!! Thanks for being the other lone adult in a sea of obnoxious kids!!! hah hah lahvoo