
Christmas this year was a joy! We spent Christmas Eve with the Lowe family and did a Nativity

Played with a seriously entertaining ELMO doll
And played the chimes, my FAVORITE! Do you sense my sarcasm? Rob is showing me affection the only way he knows how, isn't he great?
The gifts and family time on Christmas morning were a big hit. We had a great Christmas, and are now big fans of Mario Kart on the Wii!


Amy said...

Looks like you had a great christmas especially the trip to Cali. Hunter has the same batcave that Brody got and loves it. Boy toys are so cool. And it seems that Rob and Brent show affection in the same way at times. Maybe they got together as boys and decided to always act like boys forever.

Steph said...

I love Rob's zoned out ready for Christmas to be over look! I didn't know you guys had Mario Kart; oh yea, you know what Dallin will be doing tomorrow! Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Please immediately forward me that picture with Claire in it. And any others containing me, Claire or Tyler.

The Running Kidd said...

We do bells too!! Must be a family tradition. Aren't they grand? (joining in with you on the sarcasm)