
Princesses on the rocks, please...

A group of little girls up here all have their birthdays around the same time...so, all of us Mommies came up with the brilliant idea of taking them to Princesses on Ice. We went out to dinner and then the show. I took all of the pictures on my phone, since mother of the year forgot her camera. The giggling was deafening and after an hour of it I was ready for bed :), but luckily Avery can't read this. The girls had a really good time!

All the Mommies and their princesses!

Dinner at Rumbi's...my hamburger was delicious, thank you for asking.

My favorite princess and I. It was nice to have a date night just for my poor little middle child, Avis. She is delicious. Girliness is definitely the way to her heart!


Steph said...

What a fun Mommy-Avis night! I love all the pictures; I love how you can totally see Avery's personality in each one! Love that girl!

Amy said...

It was so cool to run into you at Rumbi. I hope you had as much fun as we did. You just can't go wrong with daughters and princess hoopla.