
Halloween was really fun for our family. We used costumes that we had already, so we are a little ragamuffin...but, the kids didn't mind. Avery was Jasmin and rocked the red lipstick.
Brody was a dinosaur. He refused to wear the feet on anything but his hands, go figure. This was the party at his pre-school. I was the only mom there not dressed up. Oops, I completely forgot that I might want to dress up...I guess I thought it was just another day!
Up here the elementary kids all walk to the high school football field and walk around it while the entire community cheers from the stands. It is a sight to behold. This was the first year that I haven't been asked to march with the kids, so I got to watch from the stands! My mother was kind enough to come and cheer on the kids with me.
Gracie chose to be a Geisha for the parade and a witch later for the trunk or treat. Little changeling, she is.
Avery's wig would not stay on! She loved every minute of being on display for so many people!
On Halloween night our ward had a trunk or treat.

This costume was so fun for Avery. She was shaking her hips everywhere she danced, so that she could hear the jingle of the jewels on her belly!
Brody enjoyed hangin' with his buddy Ian.
We had a great Scary Season and have enough candy to spare...anyone want some?


Anonymous said...

They are so cute. That red lipstick on Avery kills me. You do know that a geisha is a prostitute, don't you? Bad mother.

Kristine Watterson said...

You are obviously uninformed, I can recommend many books on Geishas and on the superiority of my mothering skills. That's right, actual books have been written about how awesome I am.

Steph said...

What a fun holiday! I LOVE Gracie's rock on picture - she is absolutely your and Rob's child! Save some candy for me...

The Bundy Family said...

Darling kids, and they didn't look ragamuffin...AT ALL. I love to reuse costumes/dress-up. Spending money for one night of dressing up is so hard for me to do so we are always using "left over's". Can I get your mailing address to mail out a Christmas card. My email address is bundylm@msn.com.

the holmans said...

Kris I am with you on your sister!!!! WTH, she begs me to start a blog and then... does she blog ? No I dont think so...Thanks for still checking out my blog I think I have 5 fallowers!!!! I wish you would come down to murray and hang!!! lOVE YOU AND YOUR bLOG... You costimes rock!!! You can barrow my 80's stretch pants anytime;) Rob would love it!!!!