
For all the guys out there in blogging world: Love, Rob

Yes, these are in fact...skinned, dead, deer; with their eyeballs shining in the light of the flash. We so enjoyed the smell, the hiking, but most of all; proving our status at the tip top of the food chain. We are lords over the whole Earth, thank you very much.

The weather was beautiful and so was the scenery.

We guided a lot this year. We helped this random man take this nice elk on Deseret. My wife was mildly miffed that I was more than a few hours later than I said I would be, but it wouldn't be hunting if my wife wasn't annoyed!

I took this picture, and yes it took every man pictured to haul this fatty moose out of there. Once again, I was later than I said I would be. Kris annoyed? Check. Hunting as usual.

I took one child with me, Gracie, so this was looked upon with more understanding. Do you think if I take all three kids, I can just take the entire month of October to hunt? Can you tell Kris has actually typed every word of this? Seriously, I am not that clever. Well, I'm off to kill more innocent animals. Love, Rob.


Jill C said...

Kris, you crack me up.

Kellie said...

Love the wife annoyed, check! I hope you make some good jerky... oh so good!

Steph said...


Amy said...

Great pictures! As one hunting wife to another....I hear ya. Why do all times of the day go out the window when your hunting. I have learned to not even ask for an arrival time. I had to grab Brent to see Robs' sweet deer he tagged. All he said was "nice deer....Rob's lame (for blogging)".

The Bundy Family said...

LOve it! I love that my man hunts, because it is man-time and he needs it. Although, I do understand the annoyance sometimes. BUt I will take the manly-man hunter over the sissy man anyday. And if he did take the kids everytime my boys would be in heaven and probably my daughter too. I think that would be a huge BONUS!

the holmans said...

To Rob: From Brett

Wow nice Buck... mt wife is also annoyed with me most of the hunting season...did you shoot the bottom Elk and Moose, Sign me up!!!! Need more details!!! Love the pics!!!