
After All, Dear

Tonight I decided to tackle Direct TV. You see, they have mis-billed me and I have been avoiding calling them...simply because, calls like that are inevitably a huge pain in my butt. So, I was forced to call them, by time. The call lasted for an incredibly frustrating 45 minutes. Let me clarify that I made the idiot decision to call at 4:55. I put the kids to bed at 7:00 (there is a good 30 minutes of stories, prayers, and kisses/tuckin' in after that 7:00). I hadn't even started dinner. I had to keep moving between the computer and filing box and let the water for the potatoes boil, potato-less, for 45 minutes. What was I thinking?

So, at 5:40, when I was just starting dinner...my kids were crying in hunger and bedtime was relentlessly marching in my head; I lost it. The house was insanely messy, Gracie has strep, I haven't even looked at my assignment for the week, I wasn't able to work this morning and I have 5 yellow dots (that is bad), I didn't have a lesson planned for FHE, I had just paid the bills, I hate money, Gracie freaks everytime I go to shove Augmentin in her pie hole, and my husband was INSTALLING OULETS IN THE CLOSET! What to do when one is on the verge of having a life induced nervous breakdown. (Let me garnish these thoughts with the knowledge that I have of my own sissy nature.)

I pulled dinner together and we all sat down together.

Rob asked the kids to sing him their favorite primary song, sly dog. They did and it was lovely. I love their sweet raspy voices. He then proceeded to tell them the story of Ephraim Hanks. We learned a lot about this incredible man on trek. He was teaching the kids about obedience and I was appreciating every second of it. It was like any Family Home Evening with young children, sketchy and short; but, it happened. It got done. Check.

My sister and I were just talking about this very thing, yesterday. Sometimes, being a woman feels like you are a popcorn kernel on a hot cooktop. You feel like you are going to pop. Times like this, you take all the pressure on yourself.

Rob didn't feel the same pressure I did and was able to calmly orchestrate a totally decent Family Home Evening. It took about 5000 pounds off of my worrying mother shoulders. (Because did you know that if you don't have FHE every single Monday, of your children's lives, they will grow up to be pathological liars and murderers?) I would have given up tonight, as mentioned I am an emotional lightweight with stress, and that is when the power of another kicked in. I love that man. Not because he is perfect or anything, just because he is good and consistent and takes care of me. Thank you, Babe. You are a good friend, a better father, and my very favorite human being.


Ahlquist Family said...

Hey girlfriend, I totally get it!! That happens alot at my house, too. We are very lucky to have the husbands that we have, right? Take care!

Anonymous said...

Waaait a minute...I'm not your favorite human being? What the F?

Way to be a great hubby, Rob. Kris, being the wife that you are, you deserve nothing less!

Steph said...

I LOVE this! These are my favorite times; when I'm about the end of my rope, and Todd steps in just in time. I could not imagine trying to do it on my own. What lucky ladies we are!

amanda said...

All I can say is that I am glad I'm not the only one.

Sarah said...

I love you Kristine! You're awesome:)

Kellie said...

AHHH, I feel your frustration! AND I think you are an excellent writer, you described things so exact I could taste those potatoes. That's impressive you're taking an English class. (Did I understand that right?) You are a lucky lady, Rob sounds great. (P.S. Jake and I remember it's family home evening as WE are laying in bed and Jake will say, lets sing a hymn, and we count it! ha ha My kids are younger though, so they don't really know yet. Still a few years til the murder training kicks in, right?)

I like that popcorn pressure thingy. I guess I just need to try not to pop! I would say call me, but that sounds like the last helpful thing you could do...