
We went 4-wheeling with Rob on Saturday to do security on some property he hunts. It rained a little, but it was very fun. It is so good for the kids to do outdoorsy things. I always am struck by that, everytime. Rob's dad Steve and Madi came, too.
P.S. That chainsaw strapped to the front of the 4-wheeler, I am on, is my new/girlier version. For the record, I have used it once for three hours straight and did not cause any harm to either of my thighs! (or anything else) Redeemed? Definitely!


the holmans said...

Hey there my outdoorsy friend... Love all the 4 wheeling pics and love that you still blog, your family is gorgeous and you are an amazing MOTHER... to pull of family pic and a baptism and all that,is it so much to ask that for once someone else be in charge of the pictures? If it werent for me there would be no record of our life...

Amy said...

Family four-wheelin is the best. Looks like your family had fun scoping out Rob's hunting grounds. I can't wait until my kids are older to ride individual four-wheewer wides (as Hunter would say). I hope you post what your kids are for Halloween.

Steph said...

How funny that we were doing the same thing as the same time! We should go together sometime; that would be so much fun! I'm glad you're not single anymore :) Want some company next week?

Anonymous said...

Krissie is pretty....