
This Week

This week, this week, this week...all I can do is shake my head in resignation. I have chosen to make my life busier than in times past and I am feeling it now. Life is in full swing with this gal. Avery never stops talking and I'm not sure if I am annoyed or amused, but I'm gonna figure it out soon. Anyhoo, I am sorry to be a bad blogger but, school/kids/work/church callings/wifely duties/Gracie's baptism/my disgusting house/mounds of laundry/exams/dishes and sleep trump blog :)
Back soon...


Steph said...

Your life makes me tired. Isn't it time for our vacation yet? Or at least time to start planning it?

Julia said...

You can borrow my life-mantra if you'd like...

One day at a time!

You're welcome! ;)

Kristine Watterson said...

Thanks Julia!