
The Day Of

Gracie and her namesake, Granny with the pool :)


Anonymous said...

She couldn't be more beautiful. I'm so happy for her! Plus, you look gorgeous as always. And your husband is looking quite handsome. Don't tell him I said that.

Jill C said...

Your family is adorable. What a special day. We are getting ready for baptism #2, where did that time go? We miss you guys!

Steph said...

What a wonderful day with your beautiful family! I love the pictures. And I love "Granny with the pool" - classic!

Nicalee said...

That picture of Grandma and Gracie is so beautiful and priceless..Kris how beautiful all of those pictures are!! Love ya

The Running Kidd said...

Beautiful family!!! And I love the pic of Grandma and Gracie! I love granny with the pool :) And thank you for your very sweet comment you left on the post about my house. I will trade you houses any day of the week...even if it means living in rural Utah!! But thank you for the sweetness! Next time you guys are in town I would love to have you over! Hopefully we will be going to Park City again this year so we can visit with you guys!