
So, we went camping with the Lowe clan for Labor day on Mom and Dad's dime and we were thankful for it! Even though they never spent a full night there! We watched them put up their tent and then take it down the next morning! We loved being together, rock climbing, playing Uno, and sitting by the fire. Camping is a super fun way to spend time with the family!
After the kids climbed it was the adults turn and I was first...Rob, don't drop me!
Rob holding me down while I let Dustin down.
Nic, workin it.
Me, letting Rob down. Do you see that I am tied to a tree? It was a good thing, too! I like him, don't wanna kill him.
Look at Rob's calves, it is such hard/fun work to climb! We are loving this new hobby, cause we all know we need more hobbies.
Nicalee did it without any help from Dustin, not that it stopped him from trying! Poor man to have such an amazing wife, she is two months out from having a baby...seriously, I want to be her when I grow up.
Nic and Dustin and their brood, minus Lauren and Ivy who were at a sleepover.
Brody gave up pretty fast! I think it must look daunting to a four year old, but we'll get him into it yet!
Avery, about ready to say "Let me down, Mom".
Gracie putting her shoe back on, mid climb, that Daddy threw to her. (It had fallen to the ground, she was a good thirty feet up)
Rock climbing was a blast, what an awesome spot Rob's book and Rob found us!

We enjoyed making the buddha baby smile :)
Rob was a...
The girls custom made a squirrel trap and almost caught many a critter!
We roasted mellows, made smores, and camp fire elairs
We hiked Donut Falls, like always.
We really enjoyed the time with our family, Thanks for making it possible Mom and Dad, we love you!


Anonymous said...

You look so skinny and pretty in that top. I wish I could have been there. Brody is 4. Cut him some slack, geez!

Amy said...

Looks like you had a blast. You guys are quite the rock climbing family now.

Charity said...

Looks all so fun! Keep up the good work.

Kellie said...

Looks like a blast! Wish I could've come... That's so fun your whole family rock climbs. I used to LOVE to do that growing up. What a fun bonding experience. Maybe well pick it up when my kids turn 4, ha ha


Steph said...

How fun (except for the whole rock climbing part :) - is Rob still mad about that?) I love family time. Looks like you guys had a great time. We had the best time the other night; must do it more often!