
My Gracie is getting soooo old, she started 2nd grade and has had a Birthday (8)! I know it is cliche, but I can not believe how time flies. I find myself going to the scrapbooks of her delicious, toddler, chubby cheeks and missing her a little. This is so fun, though. She is a party, never boring my Gracie! These pictures are all her first day of school.
Madison (Rob's little sister) joined us waiting for the bus.

Her welcome home signs, made by Avery, Brody and yours truly :)


Julia said...

What cute tributes to your little ones! Where in the world do you live that would make a trip to TJ Maxx is so exciting?! :)

Kristine Watterson said...

Wanship, baby! It is the happening center of rural living :)

Steph said...

I LOVE the welcome home signs! I'm so glad your babies are all enjoying school!