
Avery is officially a kindergartener! It was especially heart wrenching to watch that little girl get on the big and crowded bus. Can they all see her tender little heart? Will they be gentle with her? I felt the same way when Gracie started kindergarten. No one will ever feel about my children the way I do, no one will ever see just how unique and talented they are. I'm sure all mothers could let out a collective cry of "say it sista"! THAT is what dominates my prayers and thoughts. (Along with eight hundred forgive me Lords...) She came home so happy that I couldn't worry one second more...almost.


Amy said...

I hear ya sista! Ambree just started Kindergarten too. I did better than I thought but you still worry until they are back in the house.

Steph said...

That's one of the reasons I'm so grateful for Todd; I know there's at least one more person in this world that knows how incredible Dallin is :)