
We had our first try, as a family, at a real rock wall. It was hard! We went up Echo Canyon and tried to find the "Date Wall", but ended up finding a 5/13 climb = way to hard for me :). When we did find the Date Wall it was dark, so it will be saved for another FHE. It was fun, the kids were freaked out and hardly participated at all, but we made up for it with ice cream and chocolate donuts. Brody will only have chocolate donuts after climbing!
Another minor note is that they had more fun freaking themselves out over the possibility of a rattlesnake encounter!

Rob repelling down, after setting the rope...scary stuff!

Avery drew this picture of the hill behind her! P.S. She started crying when she told me how bored she was!

They may have hated it, but they are good at faking happy for my cameraphone! Happy Week to all!


Kapri said...

What a great FHE!

Steph said...

I agree with Kapri- how fun! Why aren't there pictures of you rock climbing?

Kristine Watterson said...

Because Rob is a selfish beast :)

the holmans said...

Love this, I think we have a right as parents to force our children to do things just as our parent did us..At least your kids werent playing their DS like my kids would have been