
One of the many reasons I haven't been blogging...Don't look if you don't like GORE!

Look what I did with my brand new birthday gift! In my defense, I had been going for two hours, it is the same model that Rob-my 6'4'', 270 lb husband uses and obviously I am not as strong as him. My arms were tired and I slipped after I cut a branch. Yep, I'm a gimp, and destined to use my father in laws chainsaw for the rest of my days. (It is half the size of mine) BUT, may I say that the trees in front of our home are beautifully pruned now :)

My favorite jeans :( Anyone a fantastic seamstress? I will hire you!


Julia said...

Ewwwwwww and ouch! I was wondering where you went. Did you get stitches? You really got a chainsaw for your birthday????? Take care of yourself!

Kristine Watterson said...

It was seven stitches, not that bad! The nurse that gave them to me was hilarious, so I was almost stoked that I did it :)

amanda said...

Kristine!!!!!! What the heck. You are insane girl. Be careful. And maybe stick with massages, pedicures, new clothes, --you know girly stuff--for your birthday.

Steph said...

KRISTINE WATTERSON! What do you think you're doing?! You're nuts. Yikes! I'm so sorry - and even your favorite jeans! That's the worst :( I've been missing you like crazy lately; maybe I can come up this next week?

the holmans said...

Cool, I think we should keep track of all wounds on our blogs... Brett is going to be so impressed with how amazingly calm you were about the whole thing...

Anonymous said...

Ew. Double, triple EW. These look like stills from Jaws 15. Hope you're healing fast.

Heidi said...


Kapri said...

Oh my gosh!!! I love gore, I hope you don't mind I looked at it for awhile. Hope you feel better!

Sarah said...

Dang girl! That looks like it hurt! Hope it healed up nicely:)