
On Saturday, when we came home from Logan, the Watterson Annual Easter Egg hunt ensued.
The kids always have so much fun looking for eggs.

Easter morning the kids awoke to bounty from the Easter Bunny. They are such chocolate fiends, it was a dream come true :)

The kids in their Easter Garb for Church. Brody recieved a fabulous, new tie and I made the girls dresses from material they picked out. They were the first dresses I've ever made, so don't look too close they aren't done very well. I feel all prepped to make my trek dresses, though.
After Church we died Easter Eggs.

Daddy showed the young'uns how to write stuff on their eggs, like Daddy's the Coolest and other mildly inflammatory statements.


Nicalee said...

Okay, so I'll be the first to comment, the dresses are beautiful you dork. I can't believe I'm related to someone that actually sews clothing for their children, I'm not worthy...and the egg decorating is adorable too.

Steph said...

What a fun holiday you had! I LOVE the dresses you made; still trying to figure out what you CAN'T do.... I love Avery's complete look of disbelief looking at Brody's basket. I just love you and your cute family :) Needin to talk to you....

Anonymous said...

Those kids are so beautiful, and the dresses are GREAT. I must agree with Stephanie, what can't you do?