
Lovely Logan

Our Anniversary was so great! Thanks to Nic and my Mom who watched our kids and do so much for us.
We went to dinner at the Market Street Grill and, as always, it was delicious...especially the creme brulee. Then we drove up to Logan and checked into the Anniversary Inn. We went to Kauai on our honeymoon 10 years ago, so we checked into the Hawaii Paradise room! The room is super cheesy, but we had a lot of fun together!

The best part was making fun of the room!
We watched "So I married an ax murderer" and were laughing at Mike Meyer using the bath tub sprayer as a phone...to explain why we even took this picture!
Rob came up with this pose all by himself!
This is my face when Rob says..."Make a sexy face", seriously my thumbs look disjointed!
We always write in the guest book, well Rob does. So, if you venture the the Jesse James Hideout room or the Hawaii Paradise room, read them!
After all that goofin' off....
We went and did a session at the Logan temple. It is a little known fact that Rob's great grandfather and two of my great grandfathers worked on the Logan Temple's construction in the late 19th century. We like to think they all knew eachother. (My great grandfather's did infact know eachother and even protected eachother's families when the church members were being arrested.)
My paternal grandparents used to go to this restaurant all the time and it is now our tradition, too. Rob and I always get lunch here the day after! They have delicious breaded mushrooms and icecream. (Not together, mind you!)
We are so thankful for these rare times alone to remember how much we enjoy eachother!


Steph said...

So I Married An Axe Murderer is one of my all time favorite movies :) What a fun anniversary celebration! Seeing the Logan Temple and Bluebird made me miss Logan! Todd and I loved eating there! Glad you guys had such a great time!

Charity said...

Congrats on your 10 year anniversary...keep up the good work.

JenL said...

Happy Anniversary! It's so nice to get away!!

Laura said...
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Laura said...

Congrats on the anniversary! Oh I miss Logan. I worked at the Bluebird for a few years, such memories. Sounds like you guys had a fantastic day. Especially at the Anniversary Inn 'having fun together'. Nice. ;)

The Bundy Family said...

Sounds like you had a great time. I went to Utah State after we graduated and "The Bluebird restaurant is a fav". You 2 sound like a fun couple together. Isn't it great to get time together alone, without kids. We always say "Oh my goodness we really do still like each other". Happy Anniversary! You are beautiful as ever.

Amy said...

Market Street is the best. You know it is sad when they send a free entree cert. for your birthday. Brent loves the oysters, YUK! Well, congrats on 10 years and what cool family history. Anyways, we will do dinner...I promise you that. I think that June looks better for us. That way vacations and birthdays will be out of the way. How sad is that. Maybe by then Brent will be out of his anti-social phase but who are we kidding.

The Running Kidd said...

Congrats on ten years! That is such and accomplishment! You guys are so stinkin cute together!!! It looks like you had a blast on your little getaway!

Anonymous said...

Kris, I love this post! What a wonderful celebration. Congrats on 10 years!