
Brody's 4th Anniversary of Life

I am amazed at the speed of time. Brody is four years old and it seems like we just found out we were having a boy. We were so happy to have a boy to go with our girls. He was such a good baby. He had to be! He was a little ball of love!
He has had made life entertaining, from the beginning, with his personality and his multiple medical procedures! From fevers and stays at Primary's as a newborn, to tubes in his ears at four months, to a graft on one of his burned hands at ten months. The Watterson Family would be downright boring without the Bubs.

There have been very distinctive times when my kids have shown their growing independence and it has been painfully awakening for me. Brody's was yesterday. He asked me to open the garage, I did. He then rode his bike up our driveway and down Grandma's driveway to go play with his cousins. The simple act of riding his bike over there to play was more than I am used to. It was bittersweet to watch. I am happy that he is motivated to take care of his own boredom and sad that it wasn't to cuddle with me. He is a special boy and will be a special man. I just hope the time moves a little slower.


Jill C said...

He is so cute! I can't believe that your baby is 4. You guys have such a cute family. We miss you guys. We want to come up and see your house and property when it gets a little bit warmer.

Jamie said...

Really enoyed reading your new posts - you guys are such a cute family. I still remember you talking about this mysterious "Rob" guy when we were in highschool. He was from another high school and that just seemed so cool...let' see, that would be about 14 years ago? :)

Heidi said...

What a sweet little guy! I think we should be able to freeze at least one of our children (at a fun age, of course) What a cute mom you are!

Steph said...

Oh, Happy Happy Birthday, Brody! I can't believe you're 4! What a sweet, happy little guy! Someday you have to teach me your secret for looking how you do RIGHT AFTER having a baby!

The Bundy Family said...

Oh I totally agree. My oldest boy who is 5 on Wed. has done the same thing. In fact, he won't let me give him a kiss in front of other people. Darling little boy, your Brody. Wow, you look so good in the hospital!

the holmans said...

Who looks that beutiful when they just had a baby!!!

amanda said...

Wow! You've been busy. A trip to CA, an anniversary and a birthday.
I remember coming to your wedding 10 years ago. Wow! 10 years. That is so cool. What did you do to celebrate?
And your baby is 4? Holy cow. Boys are special. I too have 2 girls and 1 boy and there is just something about my little boy that melts my heart.

Sarah said...

I remember visiting you in the hospital after he was born. Has it seriously already been four years?! Where does the time go? He such a handsome boy!

Amy said...

Your little Brody is so cute. I was so sad to read that he had such a rough start but what a trooper. They grow up so fast. I still have to blog about Ambree turning 5. I think I am in denial.
On another subject...I would like to think that the gash on Hunter's eye was just boys being boys but I did that to him with my fingernail. Then when it healed I gave him another just below his eye. Maybe I should cut my nails, hmmm, ya think!