
Avery asked me to take this picture! Love it.

We went out to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point. The flowers and gardens were really beautiful and we had fun. I forced Gracie to wear her baptism dress and tried to get some nice pictures of her with the flowers, I'm not sure how I feel about the pictures. Anyway, it was fun, I highly recommend it.


The Running Kidd said...

what kind of camera do you have? You take some amazing shots!

Steph said...

What a fun day! I love the tulip festival; so pretty! I love the family picture, minus Rob. (I don't mean I love it BECAUSE it's minus Rob, just in spite of it :) ) What a fun mom you are!

amanda said...

The baptism picture are beautiful. Especially the close up.
I have heard that the Tulip Festival is beautiful. I've never been but I do know that they dig them up every fall and sell the bulbs for way cheap because Brett got me some and they are blooming in my front yard as I type. They are gorgeous.
Cute kiddies!!

Heidi said...

You and Nic sure do fun things together...can I be adopted? Love you guys!