
10 Years together...

On Thursday Rob and I had our ten year anniversary. We were talking last night and decided words really can't express it anymore. I love you does not seem sufficient when you share your life with someone. I have done a post before chronicalling our courtship, here.
I thought that I would list the ten of the things I learned about Rob after we were married. (We knew/dated eachother for five years before...if you include his mission:)
1. He is easy to live with.
2. He is FUN to live with!
3. He takes up the whole bed when he is really tired and periodically elbows me in the face.
4. He is a putterer....always has a project around the house, incapable of sitting still.
5. He would do anything to help anyone.
6. He is extremely even emotionally, not a lot upsets him.
7. He could spend all day in the bathroom, long shower, etc...
8. He is meticulously clean with his personal hygiene and ALWAYS smells delicious!
9. He gets irritable when the house gets messy.
10. He is an incredible Father.
The world feels so much more bearable when I am with Rob. Our relationship is not perfect, but he makes my life better. I am so thankful to be his wife.


Steph said...

11. He chooses very wisely when selecting a wife :) Happy Anniversary you guys! We sure do love you both! I'm so glad you got married! I love the last paragraph of this post. I very well may steal it someday :)

The Bundy Family said...

Sounds like you married a great guy. Congratulations on 10 yrs. That is awesome! You 2 are so cute together.

the holmans said...

Congradulations!!! You guys are still goowy I love that, keep flirting, a wise friend once told me and Brett and I live by it... Here's to 10 more...

Sarah said...

Happy 10th! You guys are a great example! Here's to a hundred more:)

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet post, Kris. You are a great wife, and I'm glad you guys have each other! Happy anniversary!