
Tubing at Soldier Hollow :)

Our favorite family tradition with the Watterson side is tubing at Soldier Hollow. It is so stinkin fun, it is almost criminal! If you've never been, a cable pulls you up the hill and then you ride down in blissful glorious fun! We had sooo much fun this year, with the kids being at such a great age to possitively wallow in the fun of it! (The first year we went I was eight months pregnant with Brody and Avery slept almost the entire time - up and down the runs! Little Miss Adventure Pants, Gracie has been stoked and into it every year! :)

This is Rob's older brother and his family. (Justin, Lisa and offspring)

These are Rob's parents Steve and Connie with their daughter Madi and the youngest son Marc, sans prego wife Cassie.

This is the oldest brother, Chad and his family :)

These two funny kids are Rob's younger brother Jacob and his wife, Emily who is also Pregnant!
They just told us last Watterson Sunday with Fortune cookie messages, it was so fun!

Us, of course.

Goob, kickin it in her tube.

Miss Priss, Avis.

Bubba, who pretty much ditched us the entire time to hang with Uncle Justin. (who he occasionally calls Jacob, just to get a rise out of him!)

Our family, blinded by the sun and our love for eachother :) he he he


Meredith & Company said...

That kind of fun does look totally criminal! Looks like it was the perfect day for it.

Kellie said...

What a fun day! I want to go too... I Love the matching coats! You guys are too cute.

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! Honestly, is there a cuter family? Your kids are such beauties, and so are you. (Rob's okay)

Steph said...

Oh how fun! I love family days; they're the best! Today when Dallin and I were driving home from my presidency meeting we passed a house a couple streets over from us and Dallin goes, "Well, maybe Brody will live there..." :) I think he's missing his friend about as much as I am....

Charity said...

Looks like you all enjoyed yourself and the sunshine! Thanks for posting the fun photos of your family.

Amy said...

I love that somebody already mentioned the matching coats. I know if Brent saw that he would tease Rob to death. I think it's adorable which is probably why Brent would love to talk to Rob about how adorable it is. What a fun family outing.

the holmans said...

that sounds like a blast, although i think i am forbidden from tubing for a while, my kids would love it... thanks for blogging, (what is up with nicalee and blogging? i think she has left us for face book)...

Sarah said...

Looks like you all had a great time! We love doing that, too. We went during Christmas time. What a cute family you have! Good memories:)