
Come What May and Love It

It feels so discouraging this life ahead for my children...
This talk, by Elder Wirthlin, struck me at the time and now it is priceless to me. It is so nice to hear a message of hope. I love this video and it made my day today, I hope you take the time to watch it!


Steph said...

I LOVE that talk! It is absolutely one of my favorites. I could read/listen to it over and over. I loved Elder Wirthlin. What an amazing man! I hope you're feeling better! When are we going to plan another date? We really need to go out....

Julie said...

Thanks for the blog invite. I've loved looking at all your fun pictures of your cute family.

I love this video, but I'm a little biased because Tucker made it. He did such a great job of encompassing the whole talk. It's become a new favorite quote in our home!

Laura said...

What a great message! Thank you. :)

Stewart Family said...

Kristine, Thank you. That was a awesome message!

Amy said...

It is hard to think of what our children will have face in the future. Thanks for the hopeful video message. About dinner...we totally need to plan a get together.

amanda said...

I loved this talk and I need to read it more than I do. It's really puts things in perspective. I needed this today:)